My Pillow
Product Review Summary
Have you ever slept on a cloud? Have you ever rested your tired head on pure, powdered snow? MyPillow gives you that gift, and so much more.

Pillows are universal. Everyone must lay their head on something as they sleep. They take many forms, sure. But I put forth the argument that none is as perfectly designed and executed as the My Pillow. It checks every box, and does so in impressive fashion. Disrupting a notoriously stale product space. I applaud you, My Pillow. And here are all the reasons why…

What Is It?

The My Pillow is an As-Seen-On-TV classic. Their marketing team wasted no time getting the commercials aired on just about every content stream available. And good for them. The world needs to know.

So chances are that you’ve heard of it at some point. If not…allow me the great honor of introducing you.

There of course are innumerable pillow shapes, fillers, materials, etc. And My Pillow was not the first to take the approach that it did. But they are, as far as I have seen, certainly the first to perfect it.

What they did was take a common, almost memory-foam like material, and tore it up into many smaller pieces to use as the filler. This in contrast to using one large single block of memory-foam filler, or other material. This accomplishes numerous benefits that users of the My Pillow get to enjoy. More on that in the sections below.

One of my favorite things about the My Pillow is that I don’t have anything revolutionary to share in this section. There is no great reveal of some kind of “secret sauce” that My Pillow crafted up from complex and cutting edge technology. This was one man’s dream, Mike Lindell (an absolute legend in his own right), who made this come to life with common sense application of the basic principles of “what would make the world’s greatest pillow?”. Mike…you have succeeded in stunning fashion, good sir.

Competition Comparison

What the My Pillow does that is so special is the filler that it uses. There are a number of other elements that set it apart from its competition, and I’ll detail more of that out in the “5 Fav Features” section below. However, the true feat of human ingenuity and engineering happened in the filler, and that’s what I want to focus on as it’s key differentiating feature.

My Pillow took a spongey, almost memory foam material and they tore it up into small pieces to use as the filler for their entire line of pillow products. That seems like such an insignificant adjustment…but believe me when I tell you it makes all the difference in the world.

What many pieces of filler offers that one single block does not, is the opportunity for extremely, specific customizability of the shape. You can squeeze, pull, push, smash, or plump this this into whatever shape fits your shoulder, neck and head the best. You should see me and my wife do this…it’s ridiculous. It looks like we each have a pillow fight with ourselves every night as we get our shape juuuust the way we like it. But that moment when you lay your head down and every single pressure point is supported, every gap eliminated, your mind in a zen-like state….you are again and again reminded of the beauty of the My Pillow.

Some of you may be thinking what I did at first. “I don’t want to have to adjust my pillow over and over. I like having a single block of cushion/filler that is consistent and reliable and I know what to expect every time I lay my head down.”. To be honest I didn’t think I’d like the option to adjust my pillow to a customizable shape. I wanted consistency. I wanted to know exactly what to expect from my pillow and to just work around it’s shape to fit what I needed to be comfortable. I couldn’t have been proven more wrong. I still like the idea of a consistent, never changing shape. But hear me when I tell you that that concern is dwarfed in the shadow of the bliss that comprehensive customization offers. 10 times out of 10 I will take the comfort of customization over the consistency of shape.

The filler that allows for the perfect customization of its shape is truly what sets the My Pillow apart.

5 Fav Features

  • Filler
    • I explain in much more detail above…but the filler is the magic in this pillow. It allows you to customize the shape to perfectly fit your shoulders/neck/head. Game-changer.
  • Washable
    • The entire thing can be thrown direclty in the washing machine! No covers to remove while still leaving the bulk of the pillow gross and unwashed. Throw this thing in the washer and it will come out good as new! I don’t know of a single other pillow that does that!
  • Multiple Fill Levels
    • When you buy the My Pillow, you can actually order is less-filled or more-filled to exactly suit your preference. They even offer a little questionnaire to suggest which fill may be best for you.
  • Warranty
    • 10 Year Warranty on a pillow?! Honestly didn’t even know that was a thing haha. But I genuinely like knowing that if anything wears excessively or doesn’t work as expected that I’d get it replaced free of charge! 
  • My Pillow Line of Products
    • One of the key things I look for in a product is if the company makes other products in the same genre. That allows me to keep with a single brand and helps me know quality will remain consistent. My Pillow checks this box tremendously well! They have sheets, travel pillows, mattress toppers…they’re involved in just about every product space that has to do with sleep. We actually use their Giza Sheets as well and absolutely love them!

Let’s Get Practical

All of the above describes the product itself, what it does, and how it differentiates itself from others like it.

But let’s talk about what it all comes back to. What does using this product actually look like in day-to-day use? Awesome…it has a bunch of cool features…but in practice, are they actually helpful?

I can answer that question only with my experience. With how I put this product to use in my own life to make it easier, more efficient, more consistent, more fun, whatever the case may be. Your experience will, of course, be different. But this should give you a place to start. You can at least read on with the knowledge that no products make it on this site without being a thoroughly tested, tried-and-true part of some area of my life!


The best way I’ve found to fluff the My Pillow is to grab it on both ends, lift it out in front of you, and just shake it like crazy haha. Sounds weird but of all the things I’ve tried, this “resets” the filler the best. Once you’ve done that you’re starting from a clean slate and can customize the shape to your liking.

In case you’ve done some research and are wondering if the “Premium” tier is worth it…I can tell you that it is. We started with the regular My Pillow and took advantage of their 30 day trial to send it back in and upgrade to the Premium. The material feels nicer, and the filler on the inside just feels more, I guess “comprehensive” is the right word. I just thought all around it felt like a higher quality product and we’re super glad we made the upgrade.

Another practical tip is that you probably only need the Standard/Queen size. They do sell a King size but our Standard/Queen is actually really big. It’s just a tad bigger than what I would consider a normal pillow would be. So I can imagine the King is pretty over-sized. Unless you specifically like a really large pillow, the Standard/Queen should be plenty.


  • Pros
    • Patented filler allows for customization that makes a huge difference in comfort that lasts through the night.
    • 10 Year Warranty shows that they stand behind the quality of their product, and you can bank on it lasting longer than honestly anyone needs to keep a single pillow anyways 😆.
  • Cons
    • There have been a number of nights where I have woken up to most of the filler being smashed up against the headboard and not much filler at all actually supporting my head/neck. I’m sure this is unique to my sleeping style so probably most of you won’t ever experience that. But just telling you that has happened to me a number of times and means that I need to “reset” the filler again in the middle of the night which is awfully inconvenient and annoying.
Picture of Brandon Reed

Brandon Reed

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Picture of Brandon Reed

Brandon Reed

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.

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