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Vise-Grip Wire Strippers

To anyone who has ever tried to strip a a 28 gauge wire with needle nose pliers…these things sell themselves. Admittedly, I was skeptical when I first started researching so-called self-adjusting wire strippers. But my skepticisms were proven entirely unfounded. They are all they promise to be, and more.

Pro Mountain No Show Socks

Pro Mountain’s No Show Sock is the closest thing I’ve found to the perfect fit. It checks off every single major criteria of mine for a sock, and is a pure delight to wear. I stand taller, smile wider, and carry myself with more confidence the minute my foot is enveloped in its supple contoured goodness. It’s a beautiful thing. You want these on your feet…trust me you do.

Pocket Bellows

So simple. So refined. So beautifully uncomplicated. Pocket Bellows took a problem as old as time, and crafted an elegant solution in a trusty little product that should be in every outdoorsman and woman’s pack.